Friday, April 27, 2012

Girding Your Loins with Truth

Ephesians 6:14a, NASB

Truth.  What is truth?  Isn't that one of the questions of the day?  Remember at the beginning of this series when I mentioned the tactics that the devil uses.  He is the father of lies.  Is it any wonder that one of his methods is to try to muddle the truth- to get us to question whether or not God really said something.  In contrast, Jesus said the He is the Truth.  I am once again reminded how important it is to know and study the book God has given us.  We need to be lovers of truth.  We need to know that truth so well that Satan is not able to trick us with his lies.

So what does it mean to gird up our loins with truth?  Other translations refer to this as the belt of truth, but in my research I have come to prefer the image of girding our loins.  I was fascinated to learn that this was something that was done before engaging in anything strenuous and physical, such as going into battle.  The photo I found is actually of a woman who has "girt her loins" as an aide in doing her labor.  Can you imagine trying to carry that load and manage a long skirt about your ankles.  By girding her loins she has her hands free to carry even more, rather than needing them to deal with her skirts as she walks. 
This girding up of your loins was more than simply tucking the long fabric of your robe into a belt.  The fabric of the knee length tunic was pulled up in front until it reached your upper thigh and collecting the extra material in the front-so that the back of your tunic was snug against your backside.  Next, you would tuck the extra material in front between your legs and gather it behind you.  Then you divide the material evenly on each side of your back and wrap each side around your waist, tying it together in the front.  Now you were ready for battle with your robes tucked neatly out of the way.  Girding you loins has come to mean "to get yourself ready for battle," and now it makes sense to me.

It is the Truth that will keep us from stumbling as we engage in this spiritual battle.  Before we can do anything else we have to make sure we have prepared ourselves, we have girded our loins.  The rest of the armor won't do us much good if we are tripping and stumbling because we have not taken this very first step.

I had the honor of sitting under a pastor for many years who often reminded us that those whose work is to identify counterfeit money spend their time studying the real thing, not the counterfeit.  They have to know the real thing so well that they easily recognize the counterfeit.  I recently read an article about that whole process, and it confirmed this idea.  This idea is vital for us as we contemplate girding our loins with truth.  From the beginning Satan has been at work trying to twist the truth, sometimes with very bold, blatant lies, and at other times just ever so slightly.  Praise God, He has provided us with what we need to counter these attacks.



Bright A said...

Praise God, i read through your post and i love your explanation a lot. Lord please help me to gird my loins always for this battle of my christian journey. Amen!

Debra Davis said...

Bright A I am so glad you stopped by and even more encouraged to hear you praising the Lord because of something I wrote. I hope you will consider joining me at my new website...I have had to make some changes and that is one of them. The name is the same but I added hyphens to it. I have a page called Sitting at His Feet where I am continuing to write my thoughts on the Scriptures I read.