Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Gaining God's Perspective

My To-Do list is pretty long today.  A lot to get done and time just seems to fly by.  Do I take time to start my day in the Word and in prayer.  You betcha!  Jesus rebuked Peter in Matthew 16:22 -"You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, and not from God's."  You see Jesus had just revealed to the disciples what lay ahead for Him.  That He must go to Jerusalem, suffer many things, be killed, and then raised up on the third day.  Peter's response was, "God forbid it, Lord!  This shall never happen to You."  Jesus, in a not very gentle rebuke tells Peter he is not setting his mind on God's interests, but man's.

If I don't start my day with the Lord I will have the same problem.  If I try to write, or prepare my Bible study, or do the laundry, or wash dishes, or clean toilets, or spend time volunteering, or all the other things that must get done today without seeing these things from God's perspective I will fail miserably.  If I first take time to get my heart in the right place I have something worth sharing as I write and lead the Bible study, I have a motivation that is outside myself to make those toilets sparkle, to find joy in being able to serve my family in a myriad of ways around the house and to serve others in the things I do, many of them hidden from view.  You are probably familiar with Colossians 3:23, "Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men."  Webster's says that means I need to do it with zest or gusto.  I like the fact that Colossians says to do it heartily.  Makes me think again about how important it is to begin my day getting my heart aligned with God's.

Gotta run, tons to do today-and I am feeling very blessed to be able to do it all with a grateful, happy heart.

Grace, Peace, and Mercy,

1 comment:

GrammaGrits said...

Spent time with Ian, our only grandson, and saw friends for lunch. Working on memorizing James 1! Blessings...