Monday, December 5, 2011

It Helps to Have Friends on This Journey

Today did not get started like every other day.  I think I am one of the few people in Texas who has been asking the Lord to send snow.  This morning our world was blanketed in white.

 I was out with my camera as soon as the sun started to come up and was reluctant to come in and get to my quiet time.  So I posted my photos on Facebook and joined in a few conversations there.   One of my friends has decided to seek out others who would be like-minded in doing a Couch to 5k training plan, and after some thought I decided I was ready to join in.  I started this process last year but did not make my goal so I am hoping that with the encouragement and accountability of friends this time around will be a success.

That is one of my goals with my blogging.  That through my commitment to share with you what I am getting out of my quiet times you will in turn be encouraged to spend time with the Lord, and maybe in the process we will be able to encourage one another and have some accountability.

This week my study takes me to Numbers chapter 9.  In the first four verses this morning my observations were that Moses received a word from the LORD about observing Passover and in turn shared that word with the people of Israel.  I took it as an encouragement that what the Lord reveals to my heart as I spend time with Him in the Scriptures I should in turn share with others.  He may even be encouraging me to see it as my responsibility, but that takes it to a level I am not comfortable with just yet.

Having finished my quiet time and taken care of some other Monday responsibilities I cleaned up the clutter that was in the way and opened up my treadmill to get started on the training program.  Stepping on  my eyes were drawn out the window to the icicles now forming and I quickly jumped off, grabbed my camera and headed out again.  After a few more photos to capture the day I returned and completed Day 1 on my treadmill.  Whew! and WooHoo!  
I think my legs might do some talking to me tomorrow but it felt good to add some physical activity back into my day.   I hope that you too will be encouraged to flex your spiritual as well as physical muscles today.  Let me know how it goes.

And now I am heading back out to enjoy the snow as my two German Shepherds have had enough of this sitting inside on a day like today.  I think they were even more excited than I was this morning.

Grace and Peace,

 I would love to hear about your own journeys. Feel free to share what God is teaching you, as well as your thoughts on my musings. May we grow in wisdom and understanding together.


Jenny said...

Beautiful pics. Looks more like Colorado. And here in CO we're looking more like Texas. It's been supposed to snow for the past couple of days and nothing!
I'm glad you're joining in on the couch to 5k. The more the merrier. Or Misery loves company. Something like that. ha ha

Debra Davis said...

Thanks Jenny- I am glad I decided to compromise with the waffles too. Must admit I have had more energy the rest of the day after putting in my 20 minutes.